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Wargameclubs NL

Muprhys Heroes

Muphys Heroes is a wargameclub in Delft

Murphy’s Heroes is one of the oldest gaming clubs in the Netherlands, founded in 1989 with around 50 members.

The club has its regular meetings every Saturday from 10:00 to 17:00 in its club space in room A (hypolitus room) of Delftstede, Phoenixstraat 66 in Delft. In addition, regular warhammer meetings are orginised on Wednesday evening and other evening meetings are orginised at the request of members. These club meetings are announced op the front page agenda. The main features are wargames, board games and role playing games. There are no limits on the types of games that can be played on a games day. It is up to club members and visitors to make their own appointments. The club owns several wargames armies, a large number of wargame terrain pieces and boardgames that can be used during club days.


Hired Guns (Uden)

Hired Guns is a wargameclub in Uden

This association is mainly concerned with the following games:
- Warhammer Fantasy
- Warhammer 40.000
- WW2 battles



The Amsterdam6shooters a wargame & board game club in Amsterdam. Since the spring of 2014 they organize game days; every second zaterdagmiddag- / evening of the month in a clubhouse in East Amsterdam, near the Muiderpoort drive. The Amsterdam6shooters is a club for players 18 and older for both beginners and veterans.

They mainly play tabletop wargames with miniatures (historical and fantasy / Warhammer 40k), board games with miniatures and tactical bordwargames. Furthermore, we are open to everything. The rules must be accessible and preferably playable co-operatively, or quickly and clearly so that you have within plus or minus an hour played a fun game.


Sword Brethrem

Sword Brethrem

This is a Warhammer club from Eindhoven

see also

The Fallen Angels

The Fallen Angels

This is a play group with members from Amersfoort and surroundings.
When they find your players for Warhammer Fantasy, Warhammer 40K, Flames of War and various board games and card games. Whether you're a hardened veteran looking for worthy opponents, a new player looking for a helping hand and an explanation, or an interested're looking for a pleasant evening, come along ...

Every Wednesday and Friday you are welcome to 'The Core' in Amersfoort.

The Forgotten Legion

The Forgotten Legion

It is a wargaming club in Dordrecht. They play GW games but also other games. They are every week on Thursdays from 18:00 to 22:00.

The purpose of the club is to wargaming hobbyists in Dordrecht and its surroundings offer a place where they can exercise their hobby and play together. The goal is to organize a solid tournament starting with 40k, but this also extend to Fantasy and Lord of the Rings (depending on selection of players). From

The forgotten Legion is a club in Dordrecht for wargaming hobbyists. They play mostly GW 40k, lord of the rings and fantasy, but also welcome people to bring other games and play.

Lenghenstraat 5
3311 NR Dordrecht