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MIG Productions

Mig Productions Company was formed by Miguel Jeminez in 2002 in Spain. The purpose of Mig Productions was to fill a hole in the militare modeling. A portion of this hole consists of the need for affordable resin kits and a part was the provision of materials and tools in order to increase the realistic look of the models.

MIG Productions and Abteilung 502 are bought by AK Interactive


MIG pigments are powders to create various weathering effects xzoals dirt, sand, mud etc.
There are two different series, and the realistic fantasy color pigments, which, of course, also can be used through one another. They are both separately and available in sets


Filters are used in armored vehicles with mostly one color to bring large areas of color nuances, especially as in panzer gray, sandy yellow, green and white in order to get a more realistic appearance as color. They are available separately, but for example also in combinations called for special basic colors. There are four different filter sets of MIG; 'German Filter Set, "the" Allied Filter Set, "the" Africa Corps Filter Set "and" Winter Filter Set.


With washes are making various effecs to get more depth through shadow lines or to create for example, rust and grease stains.

There are several washes of MIG;
- Neutral Wash
- Brown Wash
- Dark Wash
- Standard Rest Efect Wash
- Light Rust Wash effect
- Wet Effect and Damp earth
- Oil and gease Effect
- Rain Marks
- Cold Grey Wash
- Winter Camouflage Wash


There are several DVDs with various modeling issues;

Already available;
DVD 01 - The pigments
DVD 02 - Modulation Style and Airbrush Techniques